Rabu, 16 Maret 2016

The Mountain Papandayan

Mountain Papandayan

Mount Papandayan is one of the best in Garut. Edelweiss charm and dying forests are so compelling to attract tourists to visit the mountain that had erupted in the 1772's. According to some climbers, Papandayan tracks is quite easy and short, so it is very friendly for beginner climber and families that invites children. There are two climbing route to get to Papandayan is Cisurupan and Pengalengan.
Dead forests and craters are scattered. Vegetation typical of mountain grown at Papandayan. However, due to the eruption of 11 November 2002, formed the dead forest. Directions eruption of the volcano, or rather the rest of an ancient volcano, formed dead forest. The dead forest until now still surviving. Yet, strangely, although burned out and leaving the dead trees, here and there the roots of trees begin to turn green. After thirteen years, dying forests will slowly come back to life with full of greenery.
Edelweiss incredibly broad. In addition to The dead forest, beauty Papandayan is a stretch of Edelweiss flower plants in Tegal Alun. Overlay Edelweis Tegal Alun ndi is really beautiful. The road to the Tegal Alun can be achieved through the forest dead. From the dead forest , The road to the Tegal Alun tolerable uphill and steep. But the prize is the Edelweiss flowerbeds so fascinating.

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